Lets be practical, We all know we have exams and we have no options to avoid it.
In last minute everyone will have panic and tension all over us. Here are the few tips and strategies to over come it.

Lets sub divide the whole things into three parts :
In last minute everyone will have panic and tension all over us. Here are the few tips and strategies to over come it.
Lets sub divide the whole things into three parts :
- Before Examination
- During Examination
- After Examination
Before Examination:
- Go through the syllabus:
One of the most important things to consider during last minute preparation is clarity of your syllabus. This would take 10 minutes. Also, going through your syllabus helps you make sure you don’t miss out on any topic. In the last minute rush, a lot of people forget to cover some topics and get shocked seeing it on the question paper.
2. Make a schedule
Divide up the hours in the day and decide what you will focus on when. Choose a unit which is the easiest and less time consuming (generally Unit 1 or the one with Theory Part). You can secure around 8–10 marks from here.Make sure you allow yourself time to sleep. (SLEEP IS ESSENTIAL at this Phase)
3.One paper one chapter
Try writing summaries of your notes for each chapter or major concept. Write them in the simplest terms on a separate piece of paper. These summaries can help guide your study day. Allocate single A4 sheet per chapter.
4.Select 10 question per chapter and prepare them thoroughly
After getting general idea of a subject, select at least 10 important questions per chapter and prepare them thoroughly, there is most possibility to get 70 % marks in this.
5.Keep your phone away
When you constantly keep checking your phone and scroll through your facebook feeds, you are distracting yourself. This kind of distraction is giving more information to your brain and as a result causes confusions. This is why you should not be using your phone or laptop, especially when you are trying to get done with one topic.
Morning is an amazing time for revision
During Examination:
Answer paper should be made attractive and impressive by
(a) Writing point-wise and precise answers
(b) highlighting major points by different colour pen
(c) drawing graphs and charts
(d) making tabular statements wherever required
(e) writing question number and sub-number and head-line of the question asked, which will facilitate the examiner in quickly assessing your paper.
After Examination:
(a) Do not discuss your answers with anyone immediately after the examination as it will upset your mood for next paper. However, after the whole examination is over, review your answers.
(b) Remember that whatever be the type of questions and toughness or leniency of examiner, those who are extraordinarily brilliant are certain to pass while those who are with very low IQ are bound to fail. However, most of us (about 94%) are in between these two extremes. Hence success depends upon various factors including hard work and some amount of smart work.
Arumaiyagaa sonniirgal !!!!....
ReplyDeleteThank you sir!