2 Marks Question and Answers for

1. What are human values ?

Values decide the standard of behavior. Some universally accepted values are freedom justice and equality. Other principles of values are love, care, honesty, integrity, self respect.

2. What are ethical values ?

Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring is ethical values

3. Distinguish values from ethics and culture.

Values are mainly related to individuals and since they are related to justice, they remain the some for every one. E.g. truth, honesty, empathy, self respect. Values do not change from individual to individual. Ethics is common to a group of individuals; the group may be religious or professional . Ethics is mostly based on some code or law and judgment of any action is based on code of conduct or law. Ethics change from individual to individual Culture commonly refers to conduct of a group. E.g. system of worship, It may differ from society to society, nation to nation or religion to religion.

 4. What is integrity?

Integrity is the unity of character based on moral values . Consistency in attitudes, emotions and conduct in relations to morally justified actions and values are also the part of integrity of individual. It implies honesty, trustworthiness.

5.    Define work ethics By one ’s work one cannot harm others. Any worker cannot escape accountability. Worker has the moral responsibility to see that no other person ’s right, private or freedom is impaired or transgressed.

6.   What is service learning? Service learning tells that one has moral responsibility to increase the desirable effects and to decrease the harmful effects. Any service should increase the desirable result.

7.    Mention some civic virtues? Good citizen demand civic virtue. It is the principle of not harming the surroundings .it also includes living peacefully, respect for others, protecting the environment and being normally and ethically good. 

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