Q2. What is the difference between moral values and human values?
Q3. List five positive and negative values?
Q4. What are instrumental and terminal values?
Q5. What is a human being and define harmony?
Q6. What are two types of human needs?
Q7.What are the needs of the self ‘I’?
Q8. How does labour (Shram) help in the protection of the body?
Q9. “Trust is the key to all other emotions.” Comment.
Q10. What are the three things essential in any relationship?
Q11. What do you mean by affection?
Q12. Bring out differences between reverence and gratitude?
Q13. What does the animal order consist of?
Q14. Give an example to show that there is a definite response in the pranic order.
Q15. List out some of problems creates by human order for human beings only?
Q16. Define kriyapurnata.
Q17. What do you mean by term ‘Ethics’?
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