Numbers are usually coded in one form or another so as to represent or use it as required. For instance, a number ‘nine’ is coded in decimal using symbol (9)d. Same is coded in natural-binary as (1001)b. While digital computers all deal with binary numbers, there are situations wherein natural-binary representation of numbers in in-convenient or in-efficient and some other (binary) code must be used to process the numbers.

One of these other code is gray-code, in which any two numbers in sequence differ only by one bit change. This code is used in K-map reduction technique. The advantage is that when numbers are changing frequently, the logic gates are turning ON and OFF frequently and so are the transistors switching which characterizes power consumption of the circuit; since only one bit is changing from number to number, switching is reduced and hence is the power consumption.
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One of these other code is gray-code, in which any two numbers in sequence differ only by one bit change. This code is used in K-map reduction technique. The advantage is that when numbers are changing frequently, the logic gates are turning ON and OFF frequently and so are the transistors switching which characterizes power consumption of the circuit; since only one bit is changing from number to number, switching is reduced and hence is the power consumption.
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