Mechatronics Engineering is a multidisciplinary field which includes Mechanical + EEE + ECE + Control + Computer Eng.
Showing posts with label III Sem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label III Sem. Show all posts
Microprocessor Overall Notes for all 5 units
Guys and Girls I am sharing the microprocessor and application notes for all 5 units.
Do the exams well and get good marks !
All the best.... Convey my wishes to all ...!
For unit-1
Syllabus :
Organization of Micro Computers – Organization of 8085: Architecture, Internal Register
Organization and Pin Configuration – Instruction Set of 8085 – addressing modes – instruction and machine cycles with states and timing diagram. Methods of 8085 programs and 8085 assembly language.
Notes :
Notes :
8085 Architecture Notes - Click here
Instruction Set - Click Here
Instruction Cycles - Click Here
To download the hand written document Click Here
This study material is taken from the book "Introduction to Microprocessor" – Third Edition – Aditya P Mathur Tata McGraw- it covers page number 205 to 253
For unit-3
For unit-4
For unit-5
For unit-2
Here I have included Study material for unit-2 ---- INTERFACING AND I/O DEVICES
This study material covers the following topics:
- Address space partitioning – address map
- Address decoding – Designing decoders circuit for the given address map
- Bus contention and 2 – line Control
- Access Time Computations.
- Data transfer schemes P
- Programmed Synchronous and asynchronous –Interrupt driven Transfer
- Multiple devices and multiple interrupt levels
- Enabling disabling and masking of interrupts.
This study material is taken from the book "Introduction to Microprocessor" – Third Edition – Aditya P Mathur Tata McGraw- it covers page number 205 to 253
To download the full study material click here
To download the Hand written notes for Part-1 of unit-2 Click here
To download the Hand written notes for Part-2 of unit-2 Click here
For 2 Mark Q & A - Click HereFor unit-3
Programmable peripheral device – programmable interval timer (8253) – Programmable
communication interface (USART) – Programmable interrupt controller – Programmable DMA
Controller (8257)- Programmable Keyboard/display controllers.
To download the notes on Programmable peripheral I/F device 8255 - Click here
To download the notes on Programmable Interval timer 8253 - Click here
To download the notes on Programmable communication interface 8251 - Click here
To download the notes on Programmable Interrupt controller 8259 - Click here
To download the notes on Programmable DMA Controller 8257 - Click here
Interfacing A/D and D/A converters – Matrix Keyboard design using 8255 using 8085 programs.
Designing real time clock, detecting power failure, detecting presence of objects using 8253 -
Design of Keyboard and display interfacing using 8279 – Design of digital transmission with
modems and telephone lines using 8251 A.
Hand written Notes for unit-4 - Click Here
Hand Written Notes for Unit4 (ADC & DAC) - Click Here
Collective notes of unit-4 - Click Here
The notes cover the following topics
- Temperature monitoring system
- Automotive applications
- Closed loop process control
- Stepper motor control.
To download the syllabus book(ebook) - Click Here
To download the Handwritten notes of Unit-5 - Click Here
Annna University Previous year Question Papers
Click Here to download the 2013 question paper
Microprocessor - UNIT V MICROPROCESSOR APPLICATIONS Hand written Notes and others
The notes cover the following topics
To download the syllabus book(ebook) - Click HereThe notes cover the following topics
- Temperature monitoring system
- Automotive applications
- Closed loop process control
- Stepper motor control.
To download the Handwritten notes of Unit-5 - Click Here
Notes cover the following details :
Interfacing A/D and D/A converters – Matrix Keyboard design using 8255 using 8085 programs.
Designing real time clock, detecting power failure, detecting presence of objects using 8253 -
Design of Keyboard and display interfacing using 8279 – Design of digital transmission with
modems and telephone lines using 8251 A.
Hand written Notes for unit-4 - Click Here
Hand Written Notes for Unit4 (ADC & DAC) - Click Here
Collective notes of unit-4 - Click Here
ADC & DAC - Click Here
Types of ADC - Click Here
Real time clock - Click Here
Communication using Modem & Telephone line - Click Here
Unit-4 , 2 Mark Question & Answers - Click Here
EC3216 - MP - Unit-3 Hand written Notes on INTERFACING DEVICES
This notes covers the following topics
Programmable peripheral device – programmable interval timer (8253) – Programmable
communication interface (USART) – Programmable interrupt controller – Programmable DMA
Controller (8257)- Programmable Keyboard/display controllers.
To download the notes on Programmable peripheral I/F device 8255 - Click here
To download the notes on Programmable Interval timer 8253 - Click here
To download the notes on Programmable communication interface 8251 - Click here
To download the notes on Programmable Interrupt controller 8259 - Click here
To download the notes on Programmable DMA Controller 8257 - Click here

communication interface (USART) – Programmable interrupt controller – Programmable DMA
Controller (8257)- Programmable Keyboard/display controllers.
To download the notes on Programmable peripheral I/F device 8255 - Click here
To download the notes on Programmable Interval timer 8253 - Click here
To download the notes on Programmable communication interface 8251 - Click here
To download the notes on Programmable Interrupt controller 8259 - Click here
To download the notes on Programmable DMA Controller 8257 - Click here
Unit-2 (INTERFACING AND I/O DEVICES) Hand Written Notes
Need for Interfacing - /Memory Interfacing: address space partitioning – address map – Address
decoding – Designing decoders circuit for the given address map – Bus contention and 2 – line
Control – Access Time Computations.
I/O Interfacing: Data transfer schemes – programmed Synchronous and asynchronous –
Interrupt driven Transfer – Multiple devices and multiple interrupt levels – enabling disabiling
and masking of interrupts.
DMA transfer: Cycle stealing – Burst mode – Multiple DMA devices – DMA transfer in 8085
system – serial data transfer.
To download the hand written notes - Click Here
decoding – Designing decoders circuit for the given address map – Bus contention and 2 – line
Control – Access Time Computations.
I/O Interfacing: Data transfer schemes – programmed Synchronous and asynchronous –
Interrupt driven Transfer – Multiple devices and multiple interrupt levels – enabling disabiling
and masking of interrupts.
DMA transfer: Cycle stealing – Burst mode – Multiple DMA devices – DMA transfer in 8085
system – serial data transfer.
To download the hand written notes - Click Here
Microprocessor Unit - 1 Full notes
Organization of Micro Computers – Organization of 8085: Architecture, Internal Register
Organization and Pin Configuration – Instruction Set of 8085 – addressing modes – instruction and machine cycles with states and timing diagram. Methods of 8085 programs and 8085 assembly language.
Have attached notes of unit-1
Have attached notes of unit-1
Click the below link to download the notes.
8085 Architecture Notes - Click here
Instruction Set - Click Here
Instruction Cycles - Click Here
I had attached the hand written notes for the unit-1 " INTRODUCTION to MICROPROCESSOR 8085".
It includes the following topics
I had attached the hand written notes for the unit-1 " INTRODUCTION to MICROPROCESSOR 8085".
It includes the following topics
1. Organization of Micro Computers – Organization of 8085
2. Architecture, Internal Register Organization
3. Pin Configuration for 8085
4. Instruction Set of 8085 & addressing modes
5. Instruction and machine cycles with states and timing diagram.
6. Methods of 8085 programs and 8085assembly language.
EC3204 Digital Electronics Notes for all 5 units
Notes for all five units of Digital Electronics.................................................................
Number systems – Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, BCD, Excess 3, Complements Conversions and
Arithmetic. Boolean theorems, Boolean algebra – AND, OR, NOT, NAND & NOR operation,
Sum of Product and Product of Sum forms. Minimization – Kamaugh’s map, Tabular
Minimization Procedures.
To download the Handwritten Notes for unit-1 Click Here
2 Mark Q & A - Click here to download the full document
Design of Logic gates. Design of Adder, Subtractor, Comparators, Code Converters, Encoders,
Decoders, Multiplexers and Demultiplexers. Function realization using Gates & Combinational
To Download the notes for Unit-2 -click here
Flip flops – SR, D, JK and T. Analysis of Synchronous Sequential circuits, Design of
Synchronous Sequential circuits, Counters, Shift registers, State diagram, State reduction and
State assignment.
To download the unit-3 Notes - Click Here
To Download the unit-3 -2 Marks Q&A- Click Here
To Download the unit-3 Important Questions - Click Here
For Full Document of Register - Click Here
For Full Document of Counters- Click Here
For Full Document on Design of Seq Circuits- Click Here
Stable Unstable states, Output Specifications, Cycles and Races, Race free assignments,
Reduction of State and Flow tables, Hazards.
To Down load the Hand written Notes for unit-4 - Click Here
Video links for unit-4 - Click Here
To Download the unit-4 - 2 Mark Q&A - Click Here
Memories and PLD’s: ROM, PROM, EPROM, PLA, PLD, CPLD and FPGA. Digital logic
families: TTL, ECL, CMOS.
To Download the Handwritten Notes - Clik Here
To Download the unit-5 Notes- Click Here
To Download the Unit-5 Notes - Click Here
To Download the Notes on PLA, PAL & Othere PLDs -Click Here
To Download the Unit-5- 2 Mark Q& A - Click Here
To Download the Text Book "Morris Mano M., “Digital Circuits and Logic Design”, Prentice Hall of India, II Edition, 1996" - Click Here
To Download the Last Minute Preparation - Click Here
Digital Electronics ppt for all Chapters - Click Here
To download the "EC 3204 Digital Electronics May june 2013" Question paper - Click Here
To download the "EC 3204 Digital Electronics Nov Dec 2012" Question paper - Click Here
For More Question papers - Click Here
Digital Electronics- Mechatronics - Anna University Previous year Question papers
Digital electronics question papers particularly for Mechatronics department is hard to found out in Internet.
Here I had upload the 2013 Question papers of Digital Electronics.
EC 3204 Digital Electronics May june 2013 &
EC 3204 Digital Electronics Nov Dec 2012
To download the "EC 3204 Digital Electronics May june 2013" Question paper - Click Here
To download the "EC 3204 Digital Electronics Nov Dec 2012" Question paper - Click Here
Here I had upload the 2013 Question papers of Digital Electronics.
EC 3204 Digital Electronics May june 2013 &
EC 3204 Digital Electronics Nov Dec 2012
To download the "EC 3204 Digital Electronics May june 2013" Question paper - Click Here
To download the "EC 3204 Digital Electronics Nov Dec 2012" Question paper - Click Here
EE3205 Electrical Machines and Drives - Hand Written Notes for all five units
Hand Written Notes for all five units.
The notes cover the following topics in detail....
D.C. Voltage, current, power – Ohms law – series, parallel circuits – Kirchoff’s laws – mesh
analysis – A.C. voltage – sinusoidal waves, hasor representation – power factor – complex
power – basic idea of transformers – simple problems.
Constructional details, principle of operation and performance characteristics of D.C. motors,
single phase induction motor, three phase induction motor, synchronous motors, universal
motors, stepper motors and reluctance motor.
To download the notes of this unit-1 & Unit-2 - Click Here
Speed control of D.C. motors – three phase induction motors – starting methods of D.C. motor
and three phase induction motor – electrical braking – simple problems.
To download the notes of this unit-3 - Click Here
Type of Electrical Drives – Selection & factors influencing the selection – heating and cooling
curves – loading condition and classes of duty – determination of power rating – simple problems.
To download the notes of this unit-4 - Click Here
Advantages of solid state drives – D.C. motor control using rectifiers and choppers – control of
induction motor by V, V/f and slip power recovery scheme using inverters and A.C. power
To download the notes of this unit-5 - Click Here
The notes cover the following topics in detail....
D.C. Voltage, current, power – Ohms law – series, parallel circuits – Kirchoff’s laws – mesh
analysis – A.C. voltage – sinusoidal waves, hasor representation – power factor – complex
power – basic idea of transformers – simple problems.
Constructional details, principle of operation and performance characteristics of D.C. motors,
single phase induction motor, three phase induction motor, synchronous motors, universal
motors, stepper motors and reluctance motor.
To download the notes of this unit-1 & Unit-2 - Click Here
Speed control of D.C. motors – three phase induction motors – starting methods of D.C. motor
and three phase induction motor – electrical braking – simple problems.
To download the notes of this unit-3 - Click Here
Type of Electrical Drives – Selection & factors influencing the selection – heating and cooling
curves – loading condition and classes of duty – determination of power rating – simple problems.
To download the notes of this unit-4 - Click Here
Advantages of solid state drives – D.C. motor control using rectifiers and choppers – control of
induction motor by V, V/f and slip power recovery scheme using inverters and A.C. power
To download the notes of this unit-5 - Click Here
Digital Electronics Presentation for all chapters and Problems with Solutions
The Following file consists of 16 Presentations which covers almost all the portions and also included the solved 2 marks and 16 marks of the digital electronics....
Q-1 Convert the following decimal numbers to their binary equivalents:
(a) 37
(b) 14
(c) 167
(d) 72.45
(e) 0.4475
(f) 52
(g) 4097.188
(h) 2048.625
A-1 (a) 37
Q-1 A certain memory has capacity of 16K X 32. How many words does it store?
A-1 This memory consists of 16K words of 32 bits each. Therefore, the total number
of words contained in the memory is 16384 because 16 X 1024 = 16384. The bit
storage capacity of this memory is 16384 X 32 = 524288 bits.
Q-2 How many different addresses are required by the memory that contains 16K
A-2 16384 addresses are required by the memory that contains 16K words.
Click Here to Download the Presentation
Click Here to Download the solved problems
Q-1 Convert the following decimal numbers to their binary equivalents:
(a) 37
(b) 14
(c) 167
(d) 72.45
(e) 0.4475
(f) 52
(g) 4097.188
(h) 2048.625
A-1 (a) 37
Q-1 A certain memory has capacity of 16K X 32. How many words does it store?
A-1 This memory consists of 16K words of 32 bits each. Therefore, the total number
of words contained in the memory is 16384 because 16 X 1024 = 16384. The bit
storage capacity of this memory is 16384 X 32 = 524288 bits.
Q-2 How many different addresses are required by the memory that contains 16K
A-2 16384 addresses are required by the memory that contains 16K words.
Click Here to Download the Presentation
Click Here to Download the solved problems
DE unit-5 - 2 Mark question and answers
1. Explain ROM
A read only memory(ROM) is a device that includes both the decoder and the OR gates within a
single IC package. It consists of n input lines and m output lines. Each bit combination of the input
variables is called an address. Each bit combination that comes out of the output lines is called a
word. The number of distinct addresses possible with n input variables is 2n.
2. What are the types of ROM?
3. Explain PROM.
PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory) It allows user to store data or program. PROMs use the
fuses with material like nichrome and polycrystalline. The user can blow these fuses by passing
around 20 to 50 mA of current for the period 5 to 20μs.The blowing of fuses is called programming
of ROM. The PROMs are one time programmable. Once programmed, the information is stored
4. Explain EPROM.
EPROM(Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) EPROM use MOS circuitry. They store 1’s and
0’s as a packet of charge in a buried layer of the IC chip. We can erase the stored data in the EPROMs
by exposing the chip to ultraviolet light via its quartz window for 15 to 20 minutes. It is not possible
to erase selective information. The chip can be reprogrammed.
5. Explain EEPROM.
EEPROM(Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) EEPROM also use MOS circuitry.
Data is stored as charge or no charge on an insulated layer or an insulated floating gate in the
device. EEPROM allows selective erasing at the register level rather than erasing all the information
since the information can be changed by using electrical signals.
6. What is RAM?
Random Access Memory. Read and write operations can be carried out.
7. Define ROM
A read only memory is a device that includes both the decoder and the OR gates within a single IC
8. Define address and word:
In a ROM, each bit combination of the input variable is called on address. Each bit combination that
comes out of the output lines is called a word.
9. What are the types of ROM.
1. Masked ROM. 2. Programmable Read only Memory 3. Erasable Programmable Read only memory.
4. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read only Memory.
10. What is programmable logic array? How it differs from ROM?
In some cases the number of don’t care conditions is excessive, it is more economical to use a
second type of LSI component called a PLA. A PLA is similar to a ROM in concept; however it does
not provide full decoding of the variables and does not generates all the minterms as in the ROM.
11.What is mask - programmable?
With a mask programmable PLA, the user must submit a PLA program table to the manufacturer.
12. What is field programmable logic array?
The second type of PLA is called a field programmable logic array. The user by means of certain
recommended procedures can program the EPLA.
13. List the major differences between PLA and PAL PLA:
Both AND and OR arrays are programmable and Complex Costlier than PAL PAL AND arrays are
programmable OR arrays are fixed Cheaper and Simpler
14. Define PLD.
Programmable Logic Devices consist of a large array of AND gates and OR gates that Can be
programmed to achieve specific logic functions.
A read only memory(ROM) is a device that includes both the decoder and the OR gates within a
single IC package. It consists of n input lines and m output lines. Each bit combination of the input
variables is called an address. Each bit combination that comes out of the output lines is called a
word. The number of distinct addresses possible with n input variables is 2n.
2. What are the types of ROM?
3. Explain PROM.
PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory) It allows user to store data or program. PROMs use the
fuses with material like nichrome and polycrystalline. The user can blow these fuses by passing
around 20 to 50 mA of current for the period 5 to 20μs.The blowing of fuses is called programming
of ROM. The PROMs are one time programmable. Once programmed, the information is stored
4. Explain EPROM.
EPROM(Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) EPROM use MOS circuitry. They store 1’s and
0’s as a packet of charge in a buried layer of the IC chip. We can erase the stored data in the EPROMs
by exposing the chip to ultraviolet light via its quartz window for 15 to 20 minutes. It is not possible
to erase selective information. The chip can be reprogrammed.
5. Explain EEPROM.
EEPROM(Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) EEPROM also use MOS circuitry.
Data is stored as charge or no charge on an insulated layer or an insulated floating gate in the
device. EEPROM allows selective erasing at the register level rather than erasing all the information
since the information can be changed by using electrical signals.
6. What is RAM?
Random Access Memory. Read and write operations can be carried out.
7. Define ROM
A read only memory is a device that includes both the decoder and the OR gates within a single IC
8. Define address and word:
In a ROM, each bit combination of the input variable is called on address. Each bit combination that
comes out of the output lines is called a word.
9. What are the types of ROM.
1. Masked ROM. 2. Programmable Read only Memory 3. Erasable Programmable Read only memory.
4. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read only Memory.
10. What is programmable logic array? How it differs from ROM?
In some cases the number of don’t care conditions is excessive, it is more economical to use a
second type of LSI component called a PLA. A PLA is similar to a ROM in concept; however it does
not provide full decoding of the variables and does not generates all the minterms as in the ROM.
11.What is mask - programmable?
With a mask programmable PLA, the user must submit a PLA program table to the manufacturer.
12. What is field programmable logic array?
The second type of PLA is called a field programmable logic array. The user by means of certain
recommended procedures can program the EPLA.
13. List the major differences between PLA and PAL PLA:
Both AND and OR arrays are programmable and Complex Costlier than PAL PAL AND arrays are
programmable OR arrays are fixed Cheaper and Simpler
14. Define PLD.
Programmable Logic Devices consist of a large array of AND gates and OR gates that Can be
programmed to achieve specific logic functions.
To download the full document Click here
Memory is used for storing binary words.
Reading is the process by which the data can be retrieved from memory:
Writing is the process by which the data can be stored in the memory.
Semiconductor memories make use of bipolar and MOS.
Types of memories -
(a) RAM
(b) ROM
RAM is the random access memory or read/write memory. One can read and write in RAM.
ROM is the read only memory. One can only read from ROM nothing can be written in it.
RAM is of two types:
(a) SRAM
(b) DRAM
SRAM is also known as static RAM. In SRAM data will remain stored permanently as long
as power is supplied, they need not required rewriting periodically the data. The basic cell is
SRAM is a flip-flop.
DRAM is also known as dynamic RAM. In DRAM rewriting periodically the data into
memory is required. The basic cell in DRAM is a capacitor.
ROM is of four types:
(a) Masked ROM
(b) PROM
In masked ROM the data is stored permanently through photo masking during fabrication i.e.
programming is done through masking and metalization process.
PROM is the programmable read only memory. it is programmed using PROM-programmer
and once the data is programmed (i.e. written) cannot be rewrite or changed again.
EPROM is the erasable programmable read only memory. The user can erase and programme
this memory again and again. The EPROM is erased by exposing the chip from inside via
window at the top to ultra violet light.
EEPROM is the electrically erasable. programmable read only memory. its function is similar
to EPROM but instead UV light the data can be erased using electrical signals.
PLDs (Programmable Logic Devices):
There are of three types
(a) PAL
(b) PLA
(c) PGA or FPGA.
PAL are the programmable arary logic in which AND gate arrays are programmable and OR
gate arrays are fixed.
PLAs are programmable logic arrays in which AND-OR gate arrays are used and
programmed for specific logic functions.
FPGA is the field programmable gate array. It consists of logic blocks i.e. an array of circuit
To download the full document - Click here
To get more notes on PLD - Click here
Electrical machine and Drives Previous Anna university Question papers
Anna university old/Previous question papers for Mechatronics Engineering department: EMD- Electrical machine and Drives
EMD ND 2012 - click here
EMD ND 2012 - click here
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