Karthick's Story on Building Half Subtractor

S KARTHIKEYAN - Student of B.E Mechatronics (Batch 2017-2021) done a project on Half Subtractor. As an NCC cadet, he is disciplined and workaholic . We can expect many more activities like this from him. He shared his experience with us...... 

Taking the golden words “try until you succeed and never give up“ as my inspiration and believing my abilities I have successfully completed my first project in digital electronics "Half subtractor". Hi everyone . This is S KARTHIKEYAN currently pursuing 2nd year in B.E.Mechatronics Engineering in SNS college of Technology. 

As a part of project based learning guided by our digital electronics professor Mr.Yasodharan who has been a great help in completing my project and guided me in the right path whenever I failed.

                                                            The journey started in my class when I was told to construct a half subtractor circuit on my own. My friends gave a lot of ideas and the knowledge from you tube and from my professor gave a lot of new experiences to me. All my failures gave more understanding about the logic gates. When the circuit was finally constructed my joy knew no bounds and the thirst to do more projects in electronics bloomed in me.    

B.E Mechatronics(Batch 2017-2021)
SNS College of Technology, 

His video :


  1. Nice thinking and neat presentation Karthi.

  2. good work karthickeyan. I liked your way of explanation which was easily understanble . hope you do more like this.


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