Sugan's Success story with Motion Switch

Sugan Pandurengan - Student of B.E Mechatronics (Batch 2017-2021) done a project with Motion Switch. His journey in this small duration had lots of ups and downs but was worth every effort.  He shared his experience to us....

"The little sparkle of the LED made me fantasize about the world of electronics I am Sugan Pandurengan currently pursuing Mechatronics Engineering and I am going to share my experience with you. 

As I started to learn about integrated circuits I found it is a vast area for people to specialize . Then I started to grow from basic gate ICs and then I reached out to a counter IC. When I started the search for the application of the counter IC , I got to know about the term transistor which is nothing but a switch. when started to learn more about it, I came across a word 'wireless switch'. Then I started to think how to relate the counter with the switch like things. Then I found a solution for my wireless switch. In electronics we have a unit named transmitter and receiver. I used them for my switch and I almost completed it. But I had a serious issue with the input. This Input issue made me many days to overcome. One fine day when I cas dismantling my television remote a thought hit me like a bolt from the blue when i saw a Infrared transmitter in remote . I wished to use that and learned about it's working . then I proceeded with my motion switch with the Infrared as my input Motion switch is a device used instead of a normal switch used for domestic or industrial purpose. It works in the principle of transmission and detection of Infrared rays. it switches when any obstacles crosses it's path. I failed many times in this motion switch. I couldn't give properly connections, But finally I succeed on it by my trying. 

My special thanks to Yasodharan sir for this opportunity and to my friends GokulRaj S.M and Celetine P".

-Sugan Pandurengan,
II B.E-Mechatronics Engineering,
Batch :2017-2021

“Hardwork and Perseverance are the beautiful angels who will reside in your shoulders” -Dr.APJ Abdul kalam.

His video on project presentation


  1. Awesome idea. Good work da . Keep doing more like this innovative one.


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